Blackglama Mink Furs
BLACKGLAMA fur and Blackglama fur coats by AVANTI Furs

Blackglama, the best quality mink fur in the world, makes some of the best fur coats sold every year at high end retail fur stores in Russia, Dubai, Greece and other exclusive high fashion fur selling points. It is high quality short nap black mink skins used to make really short hair shiny black mink fur coats. Russia shows great demand for it and AVANTI is producing an exclusive BLACKGLAMA AVANTI COLLECTION every year for it's VIP Russian customers.
It has been called many names, blak glama, blak lama, blek lama, bleklama etc. Not many people know that the name comes from an American ranchers association formed almost 50 years ago, the Great Lakes Mink Association or GLMA. Those mink farmers were breeding together very dark mink into a new short nap quality animal that would soon have the shortest, thickest and silkiest mink hair in the world. Those were soon used to manufacture shinier and better looking mink coats, the worldwide known Blackglama fur coats.
The Blackglama label
As Russia became a prosperous nation and women demanded the best fur coats, BLACKGLAMA came to be the best selling fur coat for many years. Demand exceeded the supply of furs and soon people were selling all kinds of Black mink for Blackglama. American Legend, the American auction house selling BLACKGLAMA fur skins, produced a certificate for the fur companies buying BLACKGLAMA fur skins, and a numbered label which verified that the coat to be produced was made from original BLACKGLAMA mink skins.
BLACKGLAMA fur coats are some of the best quality furs that one can find in AVANTI stores anywhere. AVANTI designers work separately on these mink skins when preparing each year's Blackglama fur collection. Having an experience of decades on short nap mink, our Blackglama craftsmen carefully sew together the hand selected Blackglama mink skins to produce the styles that AVANTI designers sketch. Our Blackglama fur models are never mixed with other mink qualities. They are always paired with the best quality Blackglama mink fur, as well as the best of sable, chinchilla, lynx and swakara furs. Parts of fur models such as hoods, cuffs, sleeves or collar are always made by the best fur quality when attached to Blackglama mink fur.
Original Blackglama fur coats vs fake Blackglama labels
Blackglama furs are easily authenticated by using the fur coat label number. See here in the original website if the coat was made of skins purchased in the American Legend BLACKGLAMA auction. If an error comes out then the fur coat is definitely not made of Blackglama skins, and therefore a fake.
AVANTI Furs is the only fur company that certifies all fur coats that it sells. Using the AVANTI fur fur label code AVANTI clients can verify the origin and Authenticity of their AVANTI fur coat. Visit and check your fur coat's Authenticity from your computer or laptop. Download our new AVATI Furs app for your tablet or smartphone available for all Apple (iPhone, iPad and mini iPad), Android and Blackberry devices.